Statistics As of 2024 year 9 month21 day, Located (Yingjing Xian), postcode: 513123(YJC) canning, beverage, beer, food, packaging customers. They used products of canneed: Glass Bottled Beer/Beverage/Baijiu[] CanNeed-AS-400d Digital Auto Shaker Beverage CO2 Calculator, in the Processing of useing products, Performance of the product quality : <span style="background-color:#FFFFFF;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:14.4px;color:#000000;">CanNeed-AS-400D Auto Shaker CO2 Calculator is used to measure the CO2 content of brewery or&nbsp;</span><span style="background-color:#FFFFFF;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:14.4px;color:#000000;">carbonated beverage, which is suitable for canned or bottled samples of various size. It’s a reliable and&nbsp;</span><span style="background-color:#FFFFFF;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:14.4px;color:#000000;">ideal CO2 calculator.</span><br class="" /> <p style="font-family:Arial;background-color:#FEFEFE;"> <span style="font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:14.4px;background-color:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;">With reference to method of ASBC American Society of Brewing Chemists, CanNeed-AS-400D auto&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:14.4px;background-color:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;">shaker CO2 calculator is designed and complied with national standards GB/T 4928-2001 Method for&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:14.4px;background-color:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;">Analysis of Beer and GB/T 10792-1995 Carbonated Soft Drinks (Soda). It is well adopted by many&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:14.4px;background-color:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;">brewery enterprises, beverage enterprises and quality &amp; technical supervision institutions.</span> </p> Give enterprises great benefits.
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